Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to SolCore along with its affiliates. This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for SolCore with respect to the information we collect through our website, except where stated otherwise. This notice will notify you of the following:

  • What information we collect;
  • With whom it is shared;
  • How it can be corrected;
  • How it is secured;
  • How policy changes will be communicated;and
  • How to address concerns over misuse of personal data.

Information Collection, Use, and Sharing

SolCore will comply with all applicable laws relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personally identifiable information. We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via filling out a form, registering on this site, responding to a survey, email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. At times, we may use third party service providers to collect this data on our website. We will provide all required notifications and obtain all required consents and authorizations from our website visitors and end user customers relating to the disclosure of personally identifiable information to a third-party service provider.

Personal information gathered on this Site means any information that is related to an identified person, or that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to: first and last name; email address; phone number; a home, postal or other physical address or other contact information; title, birth date, gender, occupation, industry, or personal interests; and other information necessary or useful to provide a product or service that you have requested.

Aside from the above, your personally identifiable information is never sold to or shared with any third party for that party’s independent use.

Your Access to and Control Over Information

You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number provided on our website:

  • See what data we have about you, if any.
  • Change/correct any data we have about you.
  • Have us delete any data we have about you.
  • Express any concern you have about our use of your data.


We take precautions to protect your information. We have taken reasonable precautions to protect against misuse, theft, loss, unauthorized access, disclosure alternation or destruction of your personal information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. However, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of our databases or the information that you provide will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet.


We use “cookies” on this site. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor’s hard drive to help us improve your access to our site and identify repeat visitors to our site. For instance, when we use a cookie to identify you, you would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. Cookies can also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience on our site. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site.

Your California Privacy Rights

Beginning January 1, 2005, under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once per calendar year information about the customer information we shared, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared customer information for the immediately prior calendar year (e.g. requests made in 2006 will receive information regarding 2005 sharing activities).

To obtain this information on behalf of SolCore , please send an email message to with “Request for California Privacy Information” in the subject line and in the body of your message. We will provide the requested information to you at your email address in response.

Please be aware that not all information sharing is covered by the “Shine the Light” requirements, and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

SolCore reserves the right to revise, amend or modify this policy at any time and in any manner. If we make any revisions that materially change the ways in which we use or share the information you previously provided, we will post those changes on this page so that you are aware of the information we collect. Please consult this privacy statement prior to every use for any changes. Unless otherwise noted, all changes will be effective when posted.

Your consent.

By using our Site, you consent to our online privacy policy.

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